Mike Krzyzewski is really a famous coach of Dream Team. She has coached north america men's basketball team for some time, that's clinched numerous medals for his country. Following London Olympic was over, Krzyzewski told The Associated Press that this game will be his final one as national coach, a job he's held for seven years. He had left open the possibility of staying with the team beyond the London Games, when practice on Saturday said these will be his last Olympics.When asked if he was sure, Krzyzewski didn't hesitate before again saying, "yes," this will be his last game "If we could win it, then it might be three major championships in a row, i always do not know when that has been done because we haven't usually won the globe championships," Krzyzewski said. "It becomes an enormous thing for the program." Whatever, he's an awesome coach. His achievement are going to be remembered by the country.
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      清光绪至民国期间,屏南棠口的茶行首要有:“万象春”、“两仪森”、“广利”、“合兴泰”等,此中又以后期的“万象春”和前期的“合兴泰”为最,“合兴泰” 茶行在主营茶叶的同时还运营银号、布庄、酱园等生意,在福州设有茶行办事处,年发卖红茶约为2000担。

      民国八年《大中华福建地舆志·地方志》载:“屏南茶为大批,年约六万元”。民国三十年陆章辁主修的《续修屏南县志·实业》载:“茶行,在城关、棠口、漈头、官寿兜各乡,每年谷雨前后采卖红、绿各茶,运售国外。欧战后,销路增添”。民国三十四年刘学射主修的《屏南概略·国民生计·生产》载:“首要物产在战前以茶业为大批,年产八百担,战后海口封锁,内销障碍”。 1999年版《屏南县志·茶业》载:“据查询拜访,民国5年(1916年),寿山村“协升”、“泰和”、“泰丰”3个茶行收买茶叶22.5吨;民国18年忠洋村产茶20余吨,户均百公斤。抗日战争期间,海路碰壁,茶叶畅销,茶园荒疏,产量降落”。2004年版《宁德茶业志》载:“光绪八至九年(1882—1883年),屏南官方便有茶叶购销机构“茶行”,棠口村“万象春茶行”年收买茶叶七八十吨,所收买的茶叶经由过程传教士远销英国等地。……光绪二十四年,宁德三都澳福海关正式成立,有英、美等10多个国度在此建立商埠,闽东茶叶由此入口,占口岸总值的95%--98%。……光绪二十五年,屏南、古田、宁德等地生产的运抵宁德铁沙溪(今濂坑村),经海路输往海内外”。